Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Halliburton's move to Dubai

Halliburton founded in the early decades of the 20th century, epitomized the can do spirit and get it done attitude of the American Oilfield; an Oilfield that is now in serious reservoir depletion. Halliburton having grown into a powerful multi-national finds attitudes such as loyalty to one's home country an inconvenience.

In the best spirit to today's soulless multi-national corporation, it disregards all loyalty to the United States and moves its headquarters to the Emirates. Perhaps it is an attempts to court favor with the Arabs masses and divest it self slowly and truly from its American roots. At the moment the Emirates is an island of tranquility in a part of the world seething with hatred for anything American.

It would be interesting to see if the Emirates can remain immune to the jihadist infection, Halliburton may yet come to regret it decision. In any case the gamble is simple, as American oilfields die, it ultimately has to go where the money is.